The Fireflies Begin!

The Fireflies Tour is a philanthropic institution we are always excited to support.

The Fireflies was founded in 2001 by Jake Scott, Adrian Moat, Nick Livesey (RSA), Tim Page (Y&R), and Chris Hayworth, to honor and remember relatives and friends who have battled cancer.

Over the course of eight days, the Fireflies participants travel over one thousand kilometers from Geneva through the Alps, arriving in Cannes just in time for the Cannes Lions Festival. Over the last 15 years, they have raised over 1.7 million euros for Leukemia research and treatment.

We’ll be posting updates to our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram of the riders through the week, so be sure to check in. But more importantly, please visit here in order to DONATE to the worthy cause. Read more on the Fireflies here.