Ciclope Festival in Berlin: A recap

The international festival of creativity wrapped up last week in Berlin, honoring some of the best in craft from around the world.

Two jam-packed days in Berlin with hundreds of leaders from the advertising industry made for an epic event. We were in attendance, and so happy to celebrate many of our peers. Among the guests for this year’s event were frequent collaborators of ours, EPOCH Films’ Martin de Thurah and Rattling Stick’s Sara Dunlop, alongside Jackie Kelman Bisbee, Co-Founder of Park Pictures, among many others.

SMUGGLER was named Production Company of the Year, with Henry-Alex Rubin taking home the coveted Director of the Year honor. The Mill, MPC, No6, ArtOfficial Agency, Ring the Alarm, and BBDO were also among the top honorees. Among the many finalists include so many of our production partners and directors. Congratulations to SMUGGLER for their Grand Prix-winning “Sandy Hook Promise” out of BBDO NY.

Find more from the Ciclope Festival here.